Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Quiet Christmas

Christmas day was definitely different this year since Key was sick. After debating whether to go to my sisters, we headed over there, and stayed a couple of hours, then headed back home. Once we were all together, we had the kids open their gifts, look in their stockings, and finally we unveiled our gifts to them.
Key managed to muster up some energy when she saw her kitchen.
Stocking stuffer...
I thought he could use another one for his repertoire:)

I love his shiny trike. I wish I could ride it:)

In the mist of opening presents and being with loved ones, it's so easy to forget why we celebrate Christmas. Whether Jesus was actually born on Dec 25th is definitely debatable and I wouldn't die on that hill, but the point of God becoming man, dwelling among us, living a perfect life, the Father (God) punishing his son for the sake of those who will trust him---amazing. The heavenly of it's doctrines is a case for the Bible being the Word of God. There's NO way anyone can come up with such an amazing, unique, and true story. There is no other like it--amazing.

Hope everyone had a great time with friends, and family. Get ready for New Year's!!!

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