Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Reality of a Covenant Community

In a covenant community (my local, confessing evangelical church), many things are apparent
A few are...
1. What brings us all together is what Christ has done for each of us, and the whole community.
2. It's Christ who keeps us together.
3. It's Christ who rebukes and helps the body stay near him, and uses the church to do this.
4. We strive to "live life" together.
5. Unfortunately we all still sin, either towards God, each other, or both.
6. Hurt feelings can muster up towards one another, but Christ's cross needs to stay in focus, grace proceed.

A covenant community is very imperfect but Christ said in our weakness he is made strong. There is a song (I forgot the name) that I like, I changed some words

In our weakness we are strong, so amazing our redeemer,
who picked us up, purified, cleansed and made us new,
because all you want, is all of us, and all we want is you...

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